Who is who in the team
Organising 15 parishes over 16 villages involves many dedicated people, not all of whom can be named here.
For more information about people in the team click here
For more information about people in the team click here
The Revd Nigel di Castiglione - Team Vicar- click here to contact The Revd Geoff Dodgson - Associate Priest -click here to contact The Revd Nigel Pearson - Associate Priest Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) LLMs (also known as Readers) have existed in the Church of England since the 19th century but their origins go back to the Early Church. They are licensed by the bishop to assist the clergy in a parish or group of parishes on an unpaid basis after a period of part-time training lasting 2-3 years. It is a nationally recognised position and LLMs can be found preaching, putting together and leading services, taking funerals, doing home communions and pastoral visits, being involved in youth work and a whole range of other activities, depending on their interests, gifts and skills. At the present time we have one LLM; if you are interested or prompted to explore this avenue of service, in the first instance please contact the Team Vicar. Amanda Norman - Licensed Lay Reader (Longstowe) Authorised Lay Ministers (ALMs) ALMs have undertaken a Diocese of Ely part-time training scheme lasting 1-2 years. They are authorised to serve in a particular parish or group of parish on an unpaid basis . In contrast to LLMs and clergy, who carry out a wide range of different activities, ALMs specialise in one particular area of ministry that they may already be involved in, using the training to enhance their particular talents, gifts and skills in this area. Sarah Burles - Authorised Lay Minister for Worship Leading Anne Pettifor - Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care David Potter - Authorised Lay Minister for Worship Leading Team Council Lay Chair John Pettifor Team Administrator Chris Westgarth - click here to contact |